
Saturday, September 10, 2011


i know irene is old news by now, as are katia and lee and whoever else is brewing in the atlantic waiting to wreak havoc on vacation destinations i dream about daily, but i have a few pictures to share of our neighborhood on the afternoon after she rolled through. it's taken me awhile to get around to this...the longer i went without updating, the more it weighed on me and the further i pushed it away. the last couple of weeks have seemed particularly a good way, but hectic nonetheless, so getting to my laptop to upload and edit seemed impossible and everyone knows that blog posts without pictures are a lot less fun. and there it is. all of my excuses behind me, i'm starting fresh.

i've got ben's 8 month post in the wings, 2 weeks late, and i also have somewhat regressed feelings regarding the 10th anniversary of 9-11-01 that would probably be theraputic to get off my shoulders. so that's what we have to look forward the meantime, here's a glimpse of what little miss irene did to our neighborhood...

when the power is out, an early afternoon nap is almost obligatory...

when your power goes off at 6:30 in the morning and you have 9/10ths of your birthday fudgy the whale cake and a giant bottle of kettle one in the freezer, there is only one sensible option for dinner and you're lookin' at it....

i am thankful that we were spared. i am sorry for those who had it worse, lost power for longer, suffered more destruction. it was a pretty fascinating thing to experience.

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