
Thursday, October 27, 2011

sweet dreams.

Dreams...they seem to evaporate before your feet even touch the floor, so let me just quick get this out….i woke up this morning in a state of bliss. Bliss I say. Well, as blissful as I actually get these days anyway…just moments before the ungodly hour of 5:52am, I had been the guest of honor at some lavish party with a hundred people I had never met. I was standing in a circle having a conversation with three girls that I was hardly paying attention to because over one of the girls’ shoulders, my imaginary boyfriend, David Cook was looking hot as hell, dressed to the nines in a bad ass black suit. He was searching the crowd, flocked by his bandmates, also spiffed all up and lookin’ fine (?), and I was trying desperately to catch his eye so I could look away quickly and act coy. Apparently, even in my dreams, I have no game because he walked away, leaving the party without noticing me and I wandered off to a lonely corner where I was approached by Jeff Goldblum, also looking dapper, donning a fedora (random) and asking me if I remembered him, telling me we had met at least 5 times….

I started to feel a little confused as this was about the exact moment that I began drifting back into consciousness and wondering to myself….”wtf? Wait, have I met Jeff Goldblum? I mean, I guess it’s possible, wait, I think I might have! Definitely not 5 times, but maybe once? Twice? I mean, I can’t even recall half of the celebrities, d-list as they may have been, that I have encountered in my life. You can’t swing a dead cat in L.A. without hitting one of them so Jeff Goldblum? I mean, it was certainly possible….and this is how one wakes themselves up, by trying to rationalize this nonsense, so I fought it with all my might and drifted back just long enough for Jeff to tell me David had left, but that he was looking for me to tell me that he had thrown this party for me. ME! god, I knew it all along. He loves me!!!!!!  I mean, duh. It’s pretty obvious….

Wow….when you put them all together like that, I kind of look a little bit like a stalker. There are legit excuses for all of those pictures, I promise….

Ok…so, moving on! The reason I am all amped up over this is that yesterday, tickets went on sale for 2 shows in December and we snatched them right up in a hot second and in that moment, I could see the old me, the girl who used to, every once and awhile, let the happy in and I felt hope.

Oh yeah, and also cuz we’re gonna have a freakin’ BLAST in a glass!!
And i know i am squeeking like a 12 year old at a Justin Beiber concert but holy shiz I miss this kid. I love him. I do. Have we touched on that? jeez. Now what in the hell am I going to wear?  



noreenmarie said...

You're so cute! And so is he! Loved all the pics together, stalker-ish? ;) LOL
HAVE FUN in December, you deserve it!

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

Oh my gosh!? Are you serious!? I CANT BELIEVE you have all those awesome pics of you two! That is seriously cool.......


--Hope this doesn't make you love me less--I don't like David Cook. There. I said it. :(

But, for what's it's worth, I'm totally in love with Jeff Goldblum....for reals. :)